Thursday, December 31, 2009

I was mad at my fiance and flushed my engagement ring down the toilet now i want it back any advice?

Call a Plumber and don't do that again.I was mad at my fiance and flushed my engagement ring down the toilet now i want it back any advice?
If you flushed it and it went down it's gone. Not even the best plumber in the world can get it back. It's in a waste treatment plant by now. If you're so immature that you would flush your engagement ring you shouldn't be getting married. You should go buy another ring just like the one you had and pay for it yourself.I was mad at my fiance and flushed my engagement ring down the toilet now i want it back any advice?
Break out the credit card or dip into the savings account and head to the jewelry store because that ring is probably gone down the sewer.

Honestly, you could try calling a plumber to see if there is a trap somewhere where the ring might have stopped and if so you might be able to recover it for a couple hundred dollars. Sewer lines are designed to help solid stuff go down so unless the ring is sitting in the bottom of the toilet, it's probably gone.
i hope your rich.
Learn to think before you act and consider Anger Management classes/
The best thing to do in your situation would grow up and not literally flush ';two month's salary'; down the toilet!
Its gone for good, there is no way to get it back, especially if the toilet has been flushed again since you flushed it the first time. My friend lost her wedding ring while cleaning the toilet and her husband open the wall and all the pipes, no luck, it was gone.

Think next tme before you do something so drastic. Maybe try going for a walk instead to calm down. But I'll be honest, I dont think you are mature enough to be married if you loose control so easily and take such drastic measures. That was very 7 year old of you to do that and I would think you are very lucky if your fiance sticks around. Usually after a display of true colors like yours, men run. If he stays try hard to grow up quick.
Think before you take irreversible actions and allow yourself time to calm down. Otherwise you will find yourself constantly arguing for no good reason and to no good outcome.
Does he know that you did that? If he made you that mad then maybe holding the wedding off aint such a bad idea. If he dont know then tell him it slipped off your finger and went down the drain. Good luck
Are you on city sewer or a septic tank? If you are on septic call a plumber or septic man, if you are on city sewer good luck..better have him buy you a new one and if I was him, it would not be as nice as the first if I bought you one at all. That was a very childish thing to do.
Well pun intendid,suck it up,and if you really love her go buy another one.
Get your SCUBA gear together...
I would say DO NOT get married to him if he PURPOSELY flushed the ring. If it was an accident then get over it and have him buy you a new one and then get it insured.
Guess you'll be buying a new one. Should have flushed him instead.
Sounds like you have a lot of growing up to do before you are ready to get married. Perhaps you should use this life experience as a lesson in thinking before you respond emotionally to a situation. Good luck to you. Also, you might check with your fiance to see if the ring was insured.
Prayerfully it's still in your piping system, depending on WHEN you flushed it. If you have a septic system, kiss the ring goodbye. The chemicals and waste in the septic system will undoubtedly corode the material of the ring and you'd have to have someone come out and do a sweep of the system (gross). Lesson learned? You can say ';I'm sorry'; after a fight, but flushing an expensive ring down the toilet - well not so easy to ';take back';.
U cant just get it back from the toilet. Its gone!!!

Tell your fiance honestly that u did that in anger. Donot hide anything from the person u r getting married with. Marriage is a kind of relation which should not start with a lie. A ring can come again..but if you lose a person, you will lose him for ever.
Better call a plumber quick, and next time think before you act!!!
some times P-trap can help check may be it is still in it. Or, open the very next manhole of the WC where it initially collects the sewerage water.
Yeah, learn to control yourself. Your ring is gone. If it had gone down a sink there would be a chance it would be in the trap. If you flushed it it is gone. I wouldn't get it replaced until you have learned self control though.
oh dear we all do things like that, have u told him, u must be honest and tell him if u cant see it i suggest a plumber or beg for forgiveness and ask for a new one ;)
Well it is gone a plumber will not be able to retrieve it unless there was a blockage in your line b4 you flushed it.

Get a new one and learn to control your actions. Get into Yoga and learn of your breath,it can help you to calm your mind and emotions like calming the ripples of a pond to see you reflection.

At least do this so that something good will come out of it, you will thank me later in life.

Good luck, Best wishes.
You should also seek help as such irrational behavior is not normal.
Better ask those ninja turtles to help you find it... or maybe Scoobie Doo...

Seriously, if you got that mad, he clearly means nothing to you.... You dont deserve the ring back .... its greedy...

Hopefully he has realized that your not the one for him
I didn't think gold flushed....I thought it was too heavy.

Anyway, yeah call a plumber and STAT. Before it washes away into the waters of Lake Minatanka.
You should grow up and not be so immature.

If you are dumb enough to flush your ring you don't deserve it back and you certainly don't deserve a new one.

Grow a brain!!
Take an anger management class.If you really love him then do something with yourself immediately.
Good luck getting it back. Why would you do something that dumb?
Dont be stupid next time? I doubt ull ever see that ring again. Go to the jewelry store and buy another one so he doesnt know. or make him buy u another.
Eeeks - not good..... First off, you need to explain the situation to your fiance. Secondly, was it insured? If so - call the insurance company and explain the situation - see what they can recommend. If it was not insured by itself, maybe it is covered under your home or rental policy. Lastly, in the future, try to not take out your anger on objects - you will most likely regret it once you calm down. Good luck.

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