Under the law, the ring is considered a gift. If you two breakup before the marriage, then you can get the ring back. Once you get married, though, the ring is hers to keep.Can i get the engagement ring back, please need advice?
I can see why you would want it back. Some females don't see that they should give it back, I mean why would they want to keep something that their ex bought for them? I don't think you have a ';right'; to get it back, but she should give it back to you anyways. I don't know if there is a law about giving back the ring or what. But my brother bought his girlfriend a ring, and she never gave it back to him, but she broke up with him. I think since she was in the wrong (in committing adultery) she should give it back to you, but if you were the one doing it, I could see why she wouldn't want to give it back. But I wouldn't want to keep something like that to remind me of my ex. You could ask a lawyer about it.
regardless of when you gave it to her, it's an engagement ring. she should have returned it if she was committing adultery. if it was you messing around than i could understand her keeping it, but that's not the case. i would talk to divorce lawyer. i would at least consider it as property to be divided, which gives you more leverage with assets as she's in possesion of the ring.
I'm not sure if the same law applies in NY that applies in California, but in California, it would be hers to keep, unfortunately, you may not have looked at it as a gift but technically that's exactly what it is. She should do the right thing since she cheated on you and give it back but someone who cheats isn't necessarily the most upright person in the first place and usually has no morals anyway.
An engagement ring is a promise of marriage. She married you, therefore she kept her promise. The engagement and wedding rings are her personal property.
Why are you being so petty? What possible reason would you have for wanting your wife or ex-wife's engagement ring? Yes you are angry and feel resentment toward her for cheating on you. That's normal, but she wins if you let this consume you. Let it go!!! Right her off as a big mistake and get on with your life.
I don't think you can get it back. You got married, she fulfilled her end of the agreement. However, when you file for divorce, you may be able to ask for the ring back, but you may have to use it as a bargaining tool. She wants alimony, you want the ring back....she wants to keep the house, you want the ring back... etc etc.
how ya doing,tough stuff that i would leave her with it,count your blessings man that you didn't have children with that,the ring,would you want to put that on an other girls finger after being on hers and what she done,no man,leave it with her and all the bad luck that goes with it,start fresh new girl new ring,hope you get better luck next time.
She is very moralistic if she does not return it. The fact is you DID marry. go after the other things, minutia to make up for the fact she is a treacherous schemer who probably planned this all along. You might even take that defence in front of a judge and come up0 with circumstances. Otherwise, judge probably will ask why she wants top keep it if she plans to be with another.
If you gave it to her it is hers period. I think it sucks that she cheated on you and still wants to keep the ring but legally it is hers not yours, unless you had a pre nup. The Key Work is GIVEN. You could take her to court and might get the ring awarded to you but the lawyers will probable cost more than the ring is worth.
You COULD conceivably sue her for it. But remember: if there was no pre-nup in place, then everything (including that ring if you wanted to push the issue) would be split 50/50.
So you REALLY need to decide how long and drawn out you want to make the divorce proceedings....
Legally an engagement ring is considered a gift from you to her and gifts are exactly that,a gift and do not hve to be returned is he doesnt want to. Chalk it up to experience and move on
So you GAVE her an engagement ring and to you that's not considered a gift??????? Sorry, but I don't think you are getting it back. She'll make some type of excuse like - she lost it or something and that's the end of it.
Technically, you can ask for it back but she has the right to refuse since it was given to her, not loaned to her. You may have to ask for it back in court if you really want it back.
Technically, you might have a moral claim to it as she left you, but she is not legally bound to return it. If you are desperate to get it back you might just simply ASK her.
Dude, that ring was for her ... just let it go.
An engagement ring is a contract to become married, now if you two break up then she should give the ring back BUT if you two married then the contract was fulfilled and the ring is hers.
It is the law.
Nope, if you are married, then the ring is hers. She can keep it if she wants. Have you asked her for it back? You never know, she may just give it back.
If you were still engaged, you could sue for it and get it back, but if you've actually been married, it's hers.
Adultery...count yourself lucky that all you are losing is a freaking ring. Move on.
the only way you can get it back is if it is a family heirloom
nope,sorry it was a gift.did you think it was a your own personal dog leash.
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