wow... I would start with getting a paternity test on the child. If it's yours, I would go for counseling...broken trust needs to be dealt with, and she needs to learn what commitment....means.
Good luck and prayers to you, as what a way to start a relationship.Fiancee cheated adter engagement/ we have a baby/ advice?
You won't know if it's worth it until you try. I strongly recommend marriage counseling when the two of you are in the same country.
Cheating tome is like stabbing me with a knife. It was a long distance relationship, once a cheater, always a cheater (3 times). Sorry it didn't work out or that she wasn't the person you thought she was and she still wants to marry you, do you really want her or is it the family you want for your daughter. See with your eyes wide open. God Bless.
A partner who cheats 3 times is very emotionally needy, sexually deprived, or not very smart. I noticed a string of ';afraid'; comments, and it will be very hard to get around the distrust that I sense in you. The concern about her getting with you for family sake or to save embarrassment is a BIG red flag for me, because it is certainly a possibility. Generally, I agree with ideas to get counsel, but this time it seems to be a decision that is based on her behavior along with what your ';gut'; tells you. Sure, your feelings are subjective and could be wrong. But know what? If that is in your gut, it will linger there for a long time. Believing something to be true works almost as solid as truth itself. I feel very bad for you, this is a difficult decision. But, you have to believe and trust in her to take her back. If not, you're headed for problems. She made her choices, now you have the right to decide what is in the best interest of your future.
You can see your child no matter what. Do you really want to see the mother? Have you cheated? Of course not, and you have been alone too, right? And why did she even tell you in the first place? It's not like you would have ever known. She's trying to alleviate her own guilt at your expense and she will do it again and again, is this how you want to live? Good luck.
I wish I could have had a man like you.My baby麓s dad made my life misrable he cheated on me and treat me like dirt,I never cheated on him I loved him to much but when I FOUND OUT THAT HE WAS PLAYING WITH ME I CALLED IT QUITS NOW I FEEL BETTER WITHOUT HIM.
WHEN YOU LOVE SOMEONE YOU CAN麓T CHEAT ON HIM.I personally think she doesn麓t love you ,sorry I know you must feel terrible.
Relax...why do you have to marry her anyway?! I understand the loneliness but some of us would never have cheated on you if we loved you, lonely or not; and three times!?!?! If she admits to 3 I bet it's more. Have you cheated on her?? I don't think she can be believed when she sz she loves you. Trust your instinct, 99% of the time it's right on. You need to get a DNA on you n the baby right away. It may change everything!You can still see your daughter if you don't get married right? Just not that much. Don't you think a wife should have some morality and scruples? I hear that the french r more lax about that kinda thing though but I don't really know if it's true. Finally, which should have been first, I suggest you pray on this. Ask God to guide you to do what's right for the baby..........................tink
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